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3 Ways to Process Today in a Healthy Way

The headlines set the tone, it's hard to be a human being today.

Disclaimer : this post does not offer solutions to what went wrong or who failed the poor victims and their families (although these posts are extremely important, I'm just not in the mental capacity to create a coherent argument). Today's post is about feeling the depths of our human spirit and cherishing the moments we have being alive.

1) Vibe It Out

Music calms and heals the spirit in a way few other things can. Kesha knows this all too well and her newly released album "Rainbow" does a great job of helping listeners process hurt and confusion in a healthy way. The albums namesake track, "Rainbow" is a particular favorite or mine for processing:  "Trust me, I know life is scary

 But just put those colors on, girl

 You gotta learn to let go, put the past behind you

 Trust me, I know, the ghosts will try to find you

 But just put those colors on, girl

 Come and paint the world with me tonight"

2) Express Your Love

Not everyone is super ooey-gooey about their feelings, but tragedy is a time when we all can get behind a little extra love. Call your loved ones, embrace someone a little longer, look your pet in the eyes and tell them what they do for you. Remember that we are all living, breathing, growing creatures that only have so much time on this earth. This may sound somber, as it should. Don't waste these moments, cherish them.

3) Connect with Something Bigger than Yourself

There is something colossally humbling about reminding ourselves of our significance in the universe as we know it. Look at the grass, how it grows day in and day out regardless of whether we finished that paper or forgot to put the clothes in the dryer. Watch the clouds go by, contemplate all the people, places and things they have touched over the millions of years this earth has existed. Connect with your higher power and process your impact on things near and far. When things go really bad, remember how many amazing things happen every day, whether we give conscious thought to them or not.

With all the sad and hurtful things that happen in the world sometimes we are afraid to let ourselves be human, to feel. Give yourself that gift today.

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