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How to Roadtrip in 2018

Hello darlin’s

As we begin the new year a personal resolution of mine is to slow down and declutter each day. As a young professional just a few months shy of two advanced degrees, I had decided to grant myself the peace of slack. 

To many nothing is more stressful than travel. Unfamiliar places, hidden expenses, and of course unfamiliar territory both mentally and physically.  Here is what I learned when bae and I traversed the pacific coastline with only a final destination in our back pockets.

Take the scenic route 

On the shortest route, via inland highways, San Fransisco is about a 6 hr drive from LA.  Even shorter would have been a quick direct flight, yet we decided to make it a three day adventure. Traversing through coastal towns and vast farmland we took frequent stops, anything of intrigue causing us to reroute our trail. We learned about the places we would normally have passed through unaware as well about each other ( apparently bae and I both spent our summers as camp counslers, *cue the annoying songs ) . In this day in age venues like TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet make us feel as if we know a place without even seeing it. As great as these are don’t forget to forge your own memories and find your own interests. You may just uncover some gems untouched by the prying eyes of the internet .

Travel Light of Things and Heart

We all know the worst words to hear when traveling “ I forgot to pack ...”.

Previously in life I agonized about being my idea of adequately prepared. Overtime is slowly tore away at my happiness, realizing any circumstance that wasn’t perfect (which I now realize is  an unattainable expectation) was a failure. Putting the idea of self love and forgiveness into practice, I packed what I felt was appropriate (some clothes, a book, some toiletries) but most of all I brought along the mindset that if I forgot something or found an item would have enhanced an experience I would either A) accept that feeling and promptly let it leave my mind or B) just buy a new one. Forgot a dress I love? No worries, to be worn another day. Forgot toothpaste, just ante up the 5 bucks and get another. By allowing myself this forgiving frame of mind I spent less time worrying over what I didn’t have and more time taking in what I did.

It’s Just as Much about the Journey as the Destination 

Many of us are subject to the idea of “wasted time”. I am no exception. Feelings of anxiety and exhaustion often mount when we are forced to sit unconnected for long periods of time. What a perfect test of mindset reframing than hours in the car! Now I am not saying you should be “productive” every moment of the day, but instead conscious. Staring out the window, internalize what you see, process what you feel, smell, hear. What brought you to this place? What are you to be grateful for? These questions and others like it will surely turn a simple car ride into a relaxing and grounding experience. 


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