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Facials Should be Covered by Health Insurance

Happy Monday Y'all

The air is crisp, leaves are falling, and the holidays are coming. You know what that means: time to meet up with all your friends and relatives you haven't seen in a year. If you're like me you prefer to put your best foot forward, and in this case, FACE.

I've been having a rough year with appearances. Now don't get me wrong, my skin was never perfect, but the last 6 months I have seriously considered a face transplant for what I've gone through. Switching birth controls sent my lady hormones OUT OF WHACK and I've been struggling with acne all over. I've tried everything from face masks to medicines. Finally I feel as if I'm getting it under control. Now I'd like to share my skincare journey with you just in time to make your relatives say "Lawd you are GLOWING,"

The urge to pick:

When my acne first started rearing up of course I went back to my middle school habit of picking and prodding. I can just hear my dad in the background screaming" DO NOT PICK AT YOUR FACE!" Learn from me, the scarring and discoloration looks way worse and lasts much longer. When I had the urge to pick, face masks helped me to not only create a physical barrier but decrease inflammation (see obvious awkward face mask photo). If you're feeling a bit resentful towards the little buggers, take another more comedic approach. Name them, talk to them, tell them they suck. But remember, if you try to attack them, you're the one that loses.

It comes from within:

Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, its purpose is to serve as a semi-permeable barrier between our innards and the outside world. That being said, if something is going wrong with your skin, it's best to look within. For me it was a hormone imbalance, no long list of cleansers or creams were going to fix this. Having been on birth control for over 15 years got my body used to a certain level of estrogen and progesterone. When I switched from the combo pill to a progesterone only implant ( long acting contraceptive devices like the IUD and nexplanon do not contain estrogen as it increases your risk for breast cancer) this meant I had more progesterone ( acne creating) and less estrogen (the hormone that gives you supple pretty skin) than my body was used to. Rightly so, my body couldn't fix this overnight so I went through months of deep cystic and painful acne. For me the peace of mind of reliable birth control was worth the struggle. I just wish I new sooner. If your skin care problem lasts more than a few weeks : VISIT YOUR DERMATOLOGIST. Had I done this 3 months ago I would have had a much less devastating summer. In the meantime, take care of your body: exercise, sleep well, drink water.


I waited far too long in my adult life to get a facial. Now I'm not talking a DIY laying on your couch honey and yogurt facial, I'm talking a full bells and whistles, extraction included, via accredited and licensed Esthetician facial. Some quick and easy ways to ensure you're getting the quality you're paying for can be found here:

What did I think? Y'all it was amazing. I am a full-blown follower of my esthetician. She talked me through every process, tailored the facial to me and my routines, and sent me home with perfect products from my skin within my price point.

Here's a video of my girl Holly Butters at The Parlour in Louisville, KY doing her juju magic on my face.

The moral of the story is...

Holidays can be rough, winter can be even rougher. But you deserve happiness inside and out, and presenting your best self never hurts in the conquest for serenity.

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